
Welcome to Manchester Enterprise Academy.  At MEA our vision is a Fantastic Future for All. This means that we strive to do everything we can to ensure that every single student has the best possible chance of a fantastic future regardless of background. Integral to this, we focus relentlessly on the MEA Way of being safe, respectful, ready and kind at all times.


‘Pupils from all backgrounds are well supported to gain the resilience and knowledge that they need for a positive future.’ 


'Staff have high expectations for all pupils.'


'Teachers know their subjects well' and pupils 'are keen to learn' and 'behave well in lessons.' Ofsted 2021

We believe that our students are best served by achieving the highest possible examination outcomes as these have currency as they progress into the wider world and as such we strive to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of all our students. However, outcomes are not the whole picture. Of equal importance are social, personal, and employability skills, all essential in being able to thrive in the wider world. 

Our academic curriculum is therefore complemented by our Fantastic Futures curriculum. This is designed to develop students’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural character. We strive to provide students with the experiences, skills and attributes to understand the world around them and to develop the cultural capital that is essential to succeed in today’s society. 

Our facilities are second to none in helping to create an exceptional academic, sporting and cultural environment and enabling us to offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities as we build students’ resilience and knowledge. Further enhanced by the excellent pastoral offer available to support all students at the academy.


Kyra Jones

MEA Principal


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